about us
Make My Mark is run by the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action, CIVA, a charity based in the UK. It came about from a conversation between two CIVA trustees about how social mobility in the UK today has decreased compared to 30 or 40 years ago.

the case for change
Britain has a deep social mobility problem. For this generation of young people it is getting worse not better. Low levels of social mobility are impeding the progress of not only the poorest in our society.
The Social Mobility Commision
our aim
In a world of increasing inequality, helping to improve social mobility for young people is hugely important. At Make My Mark we believe that everyone, irrespective of their personal, social or family circumstance, should be able to achieve their full potential.
Our aim is to help young people as they pursue new opportunities, find their way in life, and create their own success stories, and we do this by providing the following:
Financial support is provided to every award winner, in order that they are able to actively pursue new opportunities that they may not otherwise be able to take advantage of due to their own personal, family, or social circumstance.
Each award winner is matched with a mentor. Regular meetings between the mentor and award winner ensure that the mentor is able to share experiences and insights to help guide and inform them as they uncover the key learnings that will help them achieve their aspirations.
An award winner can get help and support from their fellow winners. A mutual exchange of support helps them to pursue their goals and encourages positive mental wellbeing. Our network of similarly-minded young people are a bedrock to each other as they learn and grow.
about civa
Make My Mark is run by the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action, CIVA, a charity based in the UK. CIVA conceives, develops, and incubates new ways of tackling societal issues.
how it works
Check out the entry criteria and get some hints on how to make a successful application
previous winners
Take a closer look at some of the young people we have supported on their journey
support make my mark
There are many ways that you can get involved and help us to raise the profile, capabilities, and reach of Make My Mark